Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Monstrously Low Prices.

With this one it's been year! (Technically longer because I didn't get the earlier versions, but still, a year in photos).

Busy as hell and based on classic movie posters, Monster Days is the month-long sale throughout June whose mascot is plagiaristically similar to Reptar ala Rugrats, but Reptar is similar to Godzilla, so really the only ones losing here are the Japanese. And they win enough as it is.

The main idea came from the title of the in-store joke band's name, SABRETOOTH BLACK WIDOW, and after finding that movie poster I pretty much had the layout and the full idea. Never got the background to really work, but I have the Mars Invader top-right to make up for some of that. At least because Matt in guitars told me to.

Is it just me, or does yellow-tie guy look a lot like Commissioner Gordon?

While I was looking for Commissioner Gordon pictures I also found this and found it a-humorous.

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