Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Boom-tsh Boom-tsh Boom-tsh Boom-tsh

So I erased the old one and thought Transformers . . . no, not that one . . . He-Man . . . started drawing it, too hard, didn't like it . . . went back to the Transformers idea, Soundwave was the most obvious choice but he didn't have enough sections to really do much of anything with . . . and then Gundam came to mind and I looked up Heavy Arms.

If there's someone out there in the arts community that knows how to draw strobes, please comment.

The rave-guns he's holding are actually two models of lights Long and McQuade carries, the Vertigo and the Galaxian laser, and the laser is the most lazor I've ever seen.

The caption will likely be taken down and replaced with something like "For Supah-Good Pahty Fun Time Rent Long and McQuade," but the pun was just too good to pass up.

Friday, April 1, 2011


What do DJ's think about? How many colours do they see in? Is there a trade off between shaving AND applying deodorant?

No but seriously some of my good friends are DJ's (Secret Squares, check 'em out, they're from Edmonton and throw down).

The shirt is by far, by FAR, my favourite part of this whole thing. Another experiment in original drawings, and considering how they're half the work, I might stick with them and maybe occasionally sometimes do celebrities. I've been coasting for far too long.