Friday, March 25, 2011

Giving You The Real Deal And Not the Deal-Doe

If you don't know Bootsy Collins, get out there and find the G. Slapping bass like a mother-shut-yo-mouth.

But in this picture he's playing a keyboard because I don't know, we were advertising this particular model of keyboard. I personally like the stage lights in the background. This is another original drawing, based off nothin, which is probably obvious due to the lack of proper body scaling.


what's even worse is that's a lie.

Luke, je suis ton pere. NOOOOOOOOON

I know it looks like Justin Bieber. I'm aware. It was hardly intentional, and reports back from the store was that I'd confused the customers all month long.


Justin Bieber and his stupid haircut 'reckin all my good ideas.

All hate aside, I got the fever.

Beets, Bears, Battlestar Galactica

I always panic for a good twenty minutes before I draw anyone with a plainer face, but Dwight came out alright. But it's hard to mistake the tie, glasses, and hair combo anyway. The quote beside him ended up being erased as it was too offensive: relating the customer to an idiot. Big Brother ruining all the fun again.

I think it's worth mentioning I originally posted this picture on facebook, but titled it "BEATS, bears, battlestar galactica." One of my friends posted that I'd spelled Beets wrong. Another posted that I spelled Beers and Star Trek wrong as well. I still laugh at it.

Bruce on Spruce (with Chalk on Top)

More celebrities with pictures I take from, this was a hell of an undertaking. I think it totalled between four to five hours, which was mostly the dragon. Given Bruce was just lines, I think he didn't take to much effort. The purple outline really got the dragon to pop, but of course a cell phone camera doesn't really capture all the majesty that is this picture. I'm sure a Chuck Norris one is coming here sometime soon.

The Captain

"Out of Dilithium Crystal, Come to Long and McQuade to Stock Up on the Rock!"
This was going to be the tag for this particular drawing, but it seemed a little "inside." Also I didn't come up with it and I have trouble admitting other people are cleverer than I am. But not being a Trekker, I was at a severe disadvantage. Victory (and its spoils) go to Joey Woods. Original picture here.

I'm Walken on Sunshine

I don't even know how this got suggested. I'll generally walk around the store and ask for opinions and the most ridiculous but plausible one goes. I think I thought up Christopher and someone else demanded the bag of skittles. I worked from this picture found on le google.

Stay Cool, Drummer Boy

I usually work from pictures, but I decided I'd had enough of that and wanted to try drawring something from scratch, and this is what ended up happening. Apparently it looks a lot like me.

Monster Days: A Fearsome Battle

So this is the earliest drawing I have a picture of; the drawring's actually started several months before. And I must say you're missing out on some goodies.

This was inspired by the store's Monster Days sale, and the two monsters are coworkers, Alex (Turbog) Thurgood and Kevin (Zentnor) Zentner. Kevin was so mortified by the gut I drew on him that he lost 50 lbs. So I guess these drawrings are doing some good in the world.